09:00 AM
Lichthof, Mainbuilding H, TU Berlin
10:00 AM
10:10 AM
Opening of the 7th GeoIT Wherecamp Conference 2017
President of the Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.Download Presentation: 2-Opening-RolandWagner-geoit.org

10:20 AM
10:35 AM
10:40 AM
Track 1- Lichthof
11:00 AM
U-Space: Expanding Economy into the 3rd Dimension
FlyNex GmbHDownload Presentation: 4-USpaceExpandingEconomy into the 3rd Dimension drone mapping-Andreas Dunsch-FlyNex

11:00 AM
Track 3-Industrial-H2036
11:00 AM
Track 2-University-H2035
11:20 AM
11:20 AM
Track 2-University-H2035
3D City Models for Digital Maps and Navigation
IGG TU BerlinDownload Presentation: 8-3D City Models for Digital Maps and Navigation-Andreas Wichmann-TU Berlin

11:20 AM
Track 3-Industrial-H2036
11:40 AM
Track 2-University-H2035 => Track 3-Industrial-H2036
Consuming Open Data for Highly Customizable Route Planning
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology, University of HeidelbergDownload Presentation: http://navigationtalks2017.geoit.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/9-Consuming-Open-Data-for-Highly-Customizable-Route-Planning-Timothy-Ellersiek-HeiGIT-UniHeidelberg.pdf

11:40 AM
Track 2-University-H2035
Geograpical Thinking in the digital Age
Alpen-Adria-Universität KlagenfurtDownload Presentation: 11-Geograpical Thinking in the digital Age-Mandl-Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

12:00 PM
01:00 PM
Galileo, enhanced location performances for better apps
Market Development, EU GNSS AgencyDownload Presentation: 13-GSA Wherecamp 2017

01:00 PM
Track 2-University-H2035
Pop up Parklets! The role of technology in city-making
by DI Juan Carlos Carvajal Bermúdez
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbHDownload Presentation: 14-Pop up parklets-Juan Carlos Carvajal-Institute of Technology

01:20 PM
01:20 PM
Track 2-University-H2035
Universität Rostock Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche FakultätProfessur für Geodäsie und Geoinformatik (GG)
Download Presentation: 17-OpenGeoEdu -Matthias Hinz-University of Rostock

01:20 PM
Track 3-Industrial-H2036
The Status Quo of Smartphone Localization Methods – How a unified localization platform solves the fragmentation issue for indoor and outdoor navigation (a MOVIA project)
CTO and Founder of BeaconInside GmbHDownload Presentation: 18-Seamless Smartphone Localization-Cornelius Rabsch-BeaconInside

01:40 PM
Developing content for the new Google Earth
by Patrick Mast
Ubilabs GmbHDownload Presentation:19-Developing content for the new Google Earth-Patrick Mast-Ubilabs

01:40 PM
Track 2-University-H2035
Travelling and Mobility R&D team, Lab Director, Université de GenèveDownload Presentation: 20_FoxyFoodDelivery-Michel Deriaz-University of Geneva

01:40 PM
Track 3-Industrial-H2036
02:00 PM
The New Era of Location Tracking
CEO and Founder of CrowdlocDownload Presentation: 22-The New Era of Location Tracking-Ludovic Privat-CROWDLOC

02:00 PM
Track 2-University-H2035
The Where in Citizen Science
Institute for Geoinformatics, University of MünsterDownload Presentation:23-The where in citizen science-Thomas Bartoschek-Uni Münster

02:00 PM
Track 3 - H2036
03:00 PM
03:30 PM
General Assemby of the Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V.
by Dr.-Ing. Johannes Ludwig , Julia Lebert , Prof. Dr. Thomas Blaschke , Cornelius Rabsch , Dr. Lukasz Bonenberg , Prof. Dr. Matthias Möller , Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kada , Justyna Redelkiewicz , Dr. Matthias Jöst , Richard Süselbeck ,

Richard Süselbeck (new Treasurer), Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner (President) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Blaschke (Vice President)
Invitation to the Assembly of Members 2017: 30th November @ Wherecamp 15:30 - 16:30 h Dear GeoIT.org Member , you are invited as a member to our Assembly of Members to get informed, to vote a new treasurer, to plan 2018 with our actvities like GeoIT GeoMonday or GeoIT Perspectives and also to bring in your ideas and initiatives. Jan Nowak switched into another domain and position and therefore the Board of Management needs a new treasurer. An overall voting of a new board is not neccessary this time. Topics TOP 1: Welcome of members by President TOP 2: Report of the Board of Management TOP 3: Voting of a new treasurer TOP 4: Planing of 2018 with- New Projects for the association and its members?
- GeoIT GeoMondays and
- GeoIT Perspectives with different Locations hosted by membersTOP 5: Miscellaneous
03:30 PM
Big data for indoor crowd mobility
CRO indoo.rs
03:30 PM
Track 2-University-H2035
A German study about Research Software Engineers (RSEs) – The people writing software for Science
Helmholtz Centre PotsdamGFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Download Presentation: 26-A-German-study-about-Research-Software-Engineers-RSEs-The-people-writing-software-for-Science-Martin-Hammitzsch-GFZ

Simon Hettrick, Stephan Janosch and Olivier Philippe
03:50 PM
Indoor GPS-System
NAiSE GmbHDownload Presentation: 28-Indoor GPS System-Jens Heinrich-NAiSE GmbH

03:50 PM
Track 2-University-H2035
Standardized Localization Interface
by Ivan Azcarate , Filip Lemic ,
Telecommunication Networks Group of Berlin University of TechnologyDownload Presentation: 29-Standarized Localization Interface - Filip Lemic - Ivan Azcarate - TU Berlin

04:10 PM
Bringing Augmented Reality Indoor Navigation to everyone’s phone with Google Tango and ARCore
by Till Krempel
Cologne Intelligence Mobile Minds GmbH
04:10 PM
Track 2-University-H2035
PARADISE – Privacy-enhancing Technologies in a Doping Control Use-Case
by Dr. Denis Giffeler , Sebastian Zickau ,
Technische Universität Berlin | Telekom Innovation LaboratoriesTelecommunication Systems Service-centric Networking (SNET)
Download Presentation: 31-PARADISE – Privacy-enhancing Technologies in a Doping Control Use-Case_Prof_Mund

04:30 PM
05:00 PM
06:00 PM
Schleusenkrug, Müller-Breslau-Straße 1, 10623 Berlin
09:00 AM
GeoIT Labs
Steinstraße 12
10119 Berlin Mitte